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RM 199
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Experts prefer to use the special medicine [Ear cool] ear drops for ear diseases [eliminates tinnitu


Latest news: The Association of Otolaryngology (BACO) will be held in the UK in 2020. At the conference, Ronen Nazarian, MD of Malaysia, put forward his 10-year new research [Ear cool] ear drops, which can treat tinnitus and deafness symptomatically, and make people hear more clearly. The clinical reports of over 1 million have shown that the total effective rate is as high as 98%It has passed the rigorous review of 68 nationally renowned otology experts at the venue, and was unanimously recommended as the first-choice special medicine for ear diseases.


No matter you are neurotic, senile, noise, sudden tinnitus, or drug-induced, pathological, mixed and other tinnitus and deafness; no matter how serious ear diseases is or how long your medical history is, just use【Ear cool】Ear drops, tinnitus disappeared, deafness returned, hearing return normal.

Ronen Nazarian said: Tinnitus disappeared in 7 days, hearing restored in 30 days, deafness was completely cured in 3 months, normal communication! !


[Ear cool] Ear drops have become a must-have for patients with deafness and tinnitus—have been launched in more than 60 countries and regions including Malaysia, Europe, the United States, and Japan



MDRonen Nazarian’s feedback: The first patient who used the drug has recovered


Helmy Haja Mydin, a professor of respiratory department at Gleneagles Medical Center, Malaysia, due to sudden deafness in 2019, he experienced deafness, tinnitus, brainnitus, and resurgence of loudness when visiting the hospital. When recuperating at home, I tried to take it immediately when I learned of the newly studied deafness and tinnitus medicine. One month later, the symptoms of tinnitus have basically disappeared, and the hearing sense has recovered significantly, and now I can start working


Mr. Goldman Sachs has been suffering binaural tinnitus with hearing lose for 6 years, especially tinnitus seriously affects work and life, he has distraction, decreased concentration, sleep disturbance, and more serious tinnitus in an irritable environment. In recent years, he came to seek medical treatment. Instead, the condition became more serious and his wife was very worried. Later, He met Dr. Ronen Nazarian, and he recommended him to use his newly developed [Ear cool] ear drops. After only two months, the symptoms disappeared, and my normal hearing and sleep were gradually restored. Now I am full of energy.




Be careful Long-term tinnitus leads to deafness, long-term deaf leads to dementia

Do you—there are always noises in your ears, like cicadas, buzzing, hissing, accompanied by decades, ears are stuffy, dizzy, hard to hear, slow to move, otitis media, pus... ..parefull?


Today, you will say goodbye to troubles forever!




In complete darkness, tinnitus pushed mother's life to the bottom

Ronen Nazarian was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His mother's ears had tinnitus 10 years ago. Every night when she went to bed, she felt her ears buzzing, unable to sleep and insomnia. And because his mother worked in a textile factory for a long time, her tinnitus became more and more serious. She tried acupuncture and medication, and all methods were ineffective. It is said that Long-term tinnitus leads to deafness! After 6 years of my mother's tinnitus, her hearing dropped again and again and she could no longer communicate normally. Her mother became lonely and autistic. She went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said: Moderate hearing loss is sensorineural in nature!He can’t do anything to help her recover the hearing



(Picture of hearing test report, tinnitus affects hearing! As normal as around 20db)


When I met [Ear cool] ear drops, my mother got rid of her deafness and tinnitus


In order to cure his mother's disease, he began to specialize in hearing and ear diseases. When he studied at the university, he basically devoted all his thoughts to research and collection of materials on deafness and tinnitus. Finally, after 10 years of exploration and research, he and his team created a special medicine [Ear cool] ear drops for ear diseases. This product not only cured the mother's deafness and tinnitus, but also got the authoritative recognition of experts and professors, and has been extended to all parts of the world to benefit more people


New research: breakthrough discovery in ear disease treatment


Most people think that the cochlea is the birthplace of tinnitus, but recently, the problem of the tinnitus center has been paid more and more attention. Dr. Ronen Nazarian and the medical team conducted a very targeted experiment, which is aimed at what is considered today. The ultimate cause is cochlear disease and damage to the auditory nerve. However, after Dr. Ronen Nazarian tried his best to fully recover from the cochlear disease, tinnitus persisted, and even worsened. This shows that the cochlea is not the focus of ear disease, the focus is in the auditory center!


Innovative therapy: directly acting on the auditory center


The auditory center in the inner ear is the "factory" that produces sound. If the auditory center fails, various ear diseases will follow up. Tinnitus and deafness are caused by abnormal auditory signals in the auditory center. The traditional way is to repair the auditory nerve and cochlea hearing is all one-sided. Only when it really acts on the auditory center can we completely improve tinnitus and deafness. The [Ear cool] ear drops have been continuously improved, the active ingredients can directly act on the auditory center with the hearing micro-circulation, improve the circulation of the entire hearing system, and completely recover from tinnitus and deafness without repetition.


Deaf and tinnitus patients return normal-witness a miracle


Thanks to [Ear cool] ear drops, let me hear the voice of the world again


Norman Grandpa Clark is 53 years old and has suffered from neurotic tinnitus for 10 years. He have used countless ear drops and patches, and wearing hearing aids have no effect. I still can't reduce my tinnitus. The result is that the more I use it, the more serious it becomes.


"10 years of neurological tinnitus, noisy all day long, so upset, I can't wait to hit myself to death" Norman was tortured by neurotic tinnitus, so he stabbed his ears with chopsticks in a hurry. Fortunately, being stopped by his wife in time did not cause tragedy. His wife was distressed that he sought medical advice everywhere, and later met Dr. Ronen Nazarian, who recommended [Ear cool] ear drops. After just using it for less than half a month, his tinnitus was significantly smaller. After three months, he would never have tinnitus again.And the problem of dazzling e is also healed! Norman often said: Thanks to [Ear cool] ear drops for allowing him to live a normal life, so that I can hear the sound again.

Thanks to Dr. Ronen Nazarian, let me say goodbye to deafness and tinnitus

Alisa is 48 years old. She has been working as a secretary in a company. She often stays up late to work overtime. Overwork causes tinnitus, gradually heavier and louder and louder. She was diagnosed with neurogenic tinnitus, which later caused hearing loss in the left ear. She was diagnosed and treated in many hospitals, but none of them had effect. Instead, the condition worsened. Later, the doctor recommended Dr. Ronen Nazarian’s [Ear cool] ear drops. I really didn't expect that after a month of use, the long-troubled tinnitus symptoms disappeared, and everything became clear, No more "buzzing" at night

The tinnitus made me want to jump off the building, [Ear cool] ear drops make me hear again in one month! Make me confident and cheerful


Bonnie, who is only 40 years old this year, has been deaf and tinnitus for 5 years, and her hearing loss has reached 79 decibels (more than 75dB is noise), basically she can't hear voice, and her ears is still humming. Due to the effects of tinnitus, she also suffer from insomnia, depression, irritability, irritability, extreme thinking, and reluctance to communicate with others. Her family members have to follow me wherever I go, fearing that I take things too hard . After five years, she had given up treatment, but her son didn’t give up. He looked for doctors from all over the country to treat ear diseases. Later he brought me back [Ear cool] ear drops. I tried to use it!

Within 7-15 days, the ear tightness disappears, the inner and outer ears are unobstructed and dry, without swelling, pain, or blocking, and the symptoms of tinnitus and deafness are significantly reduced. In 2 months, the damaged ear nerves were gradually repaired, tinnitus basically disappeared, and hearing improved steadily. After 3 months, we said goodbye to deafness and tinnitus, and hearing returned to 35 decibels

The first targeted sustained release technology-tinnitus, deafness, just one drop

According to the traditional method, it is difficult for the active ingredients to reach the ear center, but [Ear cool] ear drops, using a new targeted slow-release technology, can quickly pass through the ear canal, enter the body auditory center, and quickly pass through the external ear-eye canal. The first auditory nerve-auditory center of the inner ear overcomes the problem of low bioavailability of traditional external patches and patches.The effective components of [Ear cool] ear drops will circulate through the blood circulation through the ear force and auditory system, and directly target the auditory center through the auditory brainstem, completely curing tinnitus and deafness



Professional target: sudden tinnitus, neurotic tinnitus, senile tinnitus, presbycusis, noise-induced deafness, sudden deafness


Ear diseases are the first choice for special medicine-they have all recovered


The peculiar effect of combining Chinese and Western

Dr. Ronen Nazarian discovered while studying Chinese medicine that deafness and tinnitus are classified as "spleen and stomach deficiency, liver and kidney disorders" [Ear cool] ear drops are derived from the medical sage’s "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" , integrating the valuable experience of western medicine in the treatment of ear diseases, it fully embodies the overall treatment characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine for treating diseases


The medicinal materials include wood fragrance for qi to relieve pain, chuan cattle paint for promoting blood circulation and blood stasis, dendrobium stem for clearing heat and promoting blood circulation, coptis chinensis for removing dampness and detoxification, sophora for clearing away heat and dampness, honeysuckle to dissipate wind and heat, using western production technology selection


Security guarantee, the safest certification in the world is here



Stubborn deafness and tinnitus-3 steps to get rid of it


1. Remove ear toxins and purify the ear canal environment


Prolonged tinnitus and deafness will cause poor blood circulation in the ears, and a lot of toxins will accumulate in the blood vessels, which will cause different degrees of deafness. [Ear cool] ear drops contains a variety of Chinese medicine materials, which can detoxify well anti-inflammatory, has a significant effect on the environmental purification of the ear canal


2. The active ingredients reach the root of tinnitus and deafness and repair the auditory center


[Ear cool] The unique targeted slow-release technology in ear drops allows the effective ingredients to quickly reach the auditory brainstem, repair the damaged auditory center, and normalize the auditory potential; and various effective ingredients can quickly replenish the auditory center. Repair the damaged part of the nerve, ensure the accuracy of the auditory brainstem signal, and fundamentally prevent tinnitus and deafness


3. Repair the micro-circulation of the hearing system and bid farewell to tinnitus and deafness


Normal nutrient supply is the basis for organ functions. Body nutrition is transported through blood, and organ nutrient supply is achieved through micro-circulation. If the ear capillaries are atrophy, the blood flow of the capillaries will not be smooth, which will greatly affect the metabolic function and affect the nutritional supply of the hearing system.

[Ear cool] ear drops have the function of dilating capillaries, can remove lipids in blood vessel walls, maintain normal permeability of capillaries, promote metabolism, improve hearing system, and completely say goodbye to tinnitus and deafness; and no recurrence !



The above is about the research on [Ear cool] ear drops


Welfare for deaf and tinnitus patients Special Discount


If you are suffering from deafness and tinnitus, you may wish to try Dr. Ronen Nazarian’s [Ear cool] ear drops. At present, millions of patients with deafness and tinnitus have benefited and successfully restored their hearing. 

Now, [Ear cool] ear drops, cost price experience activities are in progress, the activity time is only 3 days, there are only 100 places, please hurry up

[Ear cool] ear drops with the original price of RM 700 per bottle

Current price

1 bottle of RM 190 [Cleansing Toxins and Anti-inflammatory] 

2 bottles of RM 240 [repair damage] 

3 bottles of RM 270 [Improve hearing system] 

4 bottles of RM 285 [Prevent tinnitus and deafness]


Usage: One bottle net content: 12ml   twice for one day   2-3 drops each time

Experts remind: ear disease must not be dragged, the best way is to take [Ear cool] ear drops as soon as possible

