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RM 180
Free Shipping cash on delivery Seven days appreciation period
Attention,diabetics!The invincible opponent of high blood-glucose?No injections and no pills,drinkin


TangYiQingfirstly got to the root of diabetes,“makes the islets more active”“strengthen your viscera”

 it has solved the internation medical problems of taking more and more pills,blood-glucose goes up and down and 

Complication get more and more serious.It changed  The diabetics’s fate!


Diabetics who have taken the TangYiQing responded that blood-glucose reduces quickly,some from 20 to 14,some from 10 to 9,some from 9 to 8,blood-glucose reduced bit by bit;Some can fall below the normal level of 6.0 in only 7 or 8 days;

Some says the heart does not panic anymore,the legs are not weak anymore,process of reducing blood glucose was extremely smooth and steady And even more amazing,except the blood-glucose was back to normal,even the blood blood fats were back to normal,they were less than 2.0,blood pressure and cholesterol were Lower than before.All concerns about complications were all gone.


Blood glucose stable and doesn’t rebound,can eat and drink like normal people has become the pursuit of the majority of diabetics,every diabetics want their blood glucose stable and their complications disappear.TangYiQing did it!

After taking the TangYiQing,it’ll supplement Qi and nourish Yin.warming Yang and promoting blood circulation,and it can effectively digest and transfer excess blood glucose for energy,quickly activate islet stem cells,thus eliminating blood glucose and eliminating complictions,it was known as natural oral isulin by the Director of Health Noor Hisham ,Ministry of Health,Malaysia.


TangYiQing is more easily absorbed by the human body after being imoproved and concentrated by modern pharmaceutical technology .Therefore, Malaysia listed it as the  first diabetes product,the onlysafe and effetive product without side effects and dependence in Malaysia.The Malaysian Ministry of Health an the International Medical University jointly accepted TangYiQing’s remarkable effect on the treatment of diabetes ,it can improve human metabolism well and revers diabetes!



Now this product has passed the medical clinical verification,reserch report shows that it can cure diabetes,hypertension,hyperlipidemia and other complications of 99%,and long-term use has not caused any side effects on patients!



This new method of melting glucose can quickly dissolve blood glucose into energuy

Diabetics’s blood glucose remained stable at 5.5,keep away from complications and lead a healthy life!


Say goodbye to 【diabetes,hypertension,high cholesterol,high blood fat】

See some true cases of TangYiQing reverse the diabetes.


 Musa Osman 65 male 

I’ve had hyperglycacemia for many years and had suffered from all my old ailments.My blood glucose reached over 20 at its highest,hypertension and hyperlipidemia appeared at the same time.Especially I made a lot of foam when I urinating,and my urinary protein got several “+”.Taking plenty of pills everyday,I felt hopeless when I think about I may develop renal failure and uremia.To my astonishment,when i took TangYiQing,my blood glucose reduced steadily and never went above 6.0.Even more surprising, my urinary protein “+” were disappeared.I don’t have to worry about it anymore,and I don’t need to avoid certain food too,I can eat whatever I want.Nowadays I go to the hospital for a check-up,my blood glucose fell to the nomal value,blood pressure and blood fat also backed to a stable.Drowsiness,dizziness used to be common but they’re never happen again.It’s unneccessary to worry about hyperglycemia anymore and I’m a huge fan of TangYiQing right now,I often recommend it to other diabetics!


Aisyah Musa   age of  52  female

The most afflictive thing about diabetes is that my legs become numb and swollen,and my calves pressed by my fingers would always form a pit.It’s extremely hard to heal if I accidentally scratched.

Doctor said the worst can include decay and amputation,I was feared about it.I've taken a lot of pills over the years and they seem useless.I began to take insulin everyday five years ago,my abdomen was full of needle eyes and it was painful.Later,I learnd from the Internet that TangYiQing’s blood glucose reducing effect is good,and it can improve immunity as well,my family bought it immediately,my legs were not swollen anymore after taking TangYiQing for a month,and when I came to hospital for a check-up, my glycosylated hemoglobin was 6.2.Now I feel happy because I can


Gaden   age of 70   male 

I have obsessed by diabetes for 10 years and have been living in fear.I didn’t touched any certain food that doctor told me to avoid ,but complications still developed,fundus hemorrhage,blurry vision,they just couldn’t recover,I’m afraid of going completely blind one day.My former colleague recommended TangYiQing to me and told me to keep taking it.To my astonishment,it was helpful my blood glucose level dropped from 15.6 to 6.3 and it never increased again,my eyesight improved considerably as well,reading books and newspapers is no problem at all.Now my blood glucose is stable within 6.0 and I don’t need to go to the hospital.Hyperglycemia,hyperlipidemia and hypertension were all gone,my eyesight is getting better and better.



Get rid of Western medicine Stabilize your blood glucose level permanently and no complications.

After the diabetics taking the TangYiQing,they have issued a surprise exclamation:



Now Diabetes is one of the the world’s top 10 killers

The development of diabetes is increasingly serious


Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose,high blood glucose that are chronic in diabetes will lead to chronic damage and dysfunctionof various body tissues,especially eyes,kidney,heart,blood vessel and nerve.Basically,when you developed the diabetes,your body will become weak and your legs become powerless,your blood glucose will increase quickly when you eat something,minor cases will lead to ulceration of legs and feet,blindness,serious cases can be life-threatening.


Whatever or not you have any of these symptoms,so long as you’re taking injections or pills,you will face these problems sooner or later:taking more pills,blood glucose get higher,your eyes go blind,myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction are lethal,and there’s also a high risk of kidney failure and amputation....Your whole life will stuck in pain

Now,many experts signed an appeal:take TangYiQing,get rid of the pain of diabetes for good.



Tang Yiqing-grasp the true core of diabetes treatment, restore the body's "sugar" ability by opening the sugar metabolism channel.


If you also have diabetes,there is such a question:why someone’s blood glucose can be controlled well,but your blood glucose can’t be controlled well and it ups and downs just like a roller coaster?

Actually,there’s only one reason:accumulation of glycotoxin impaired islet function!功能受損!Famous American professor Paul Kennedy said:The key to curing diabetes is eliminate glycotoxin,repairing the islets is essential!



Because in diabetics,the function of the islets decreases,insulin receptors lose their sensitivity,can’t open the channel for blood glucose to enter the cell,it makes blood glucose stays in blood for a long time.just like sweet and sour garlic,important organs such as heart,brain,kidney and eyes are immersed in glucose all year around,it will cause great damage to our body,that’s why medical science calls it figuratively as “glucose toxic”.

Dr.Paritosh Roy said:The disease of diabetes are glycotoxin and blood glucose,symptoms are in various organs,the roots are in the islet cell!


However,TangYiQing can reduce the blood glucose steadily,it can decompose the glycotoxin in the blood and peel off the glycotoxin that sticks to insulin and receptors,eliminate insulin resistance,

we can say that if the excess glucose in the blood smoothly enters the human cells to produce energy,the glycometabolism channels can be unimpeded.


Therefore,TangYiQing is the only traditional Chinese medicine that is faster than western medicine and has no side effectsand TangYiQing’s reducing blood glucose effect is obvious,so international major diabetes associations recommended this product as a healthy product,this product is now the most popular in the world--[new medicine to cure diabetes],it is now being generalized globally!


Easily get rid of diabetes is no longer a fantasy

Reduce blood glucose for 30 years,take TangYiQing instead,it reduce blood glucose only needs 30 days!Stabilize blood glucose,get rid of complications!

Why does TangYiQing have such a amazing effect?Because it can repair islet cells directly

TangYiQing contains many precious Chinese herbal medicine,a variety of trace elements act on the pancreas in a scientific ratio,replenish selenium and chromium for human body,repair,regenerate and recombine islets cells.

After taking TangYiQing,islet cells can divide and multiply in a normal way,make the secretion,excretion and operation of insulin reach the ideal metabolic order.



All kinds of ingredients are tested by SGS,it’s safe and without dependence!




TangYiQing directly seize the root of disease,3 steps to getting rid of diabetes

 Nourish:tonifying kidney and liver,nourish cells and organs,make the original damaged organ function to restore normal,

so that human body’s qi and blood get balanced.


Repair:repair the blood pressure regulation mechanism,

the improvement of kidney and liver’s function will enhance human body’s immunity,

improved metabolic disorders and repaired the original blood pressure regulation mechanism of human body,increased the body’s sensitivity to insulin,thereby effectively lowering blood glucose,it opened up the channel for glucose to enter the cells,repaired islet cells.

The blood glucose accumulated in the body is converted into energy to achieve

the effect of slowly repairing the islet!


Dropblood pressure drops naturally,The normal blood pressure regulation mechanism can adjusts the ratio of circulating    blood volume to vascular system 

volume through nerves and body fluids,makes blood pressure 

naturally stable and normal.

Dissolving the sticky blood trapped in the blood vessels,get the blood flowing smoothly,purify blood and protect blood vessels from injury,

completely remove excess glucose,solve the problem at the source,so no matter how severe the hypertension and hyperglycaemia,they will be eradicated.You’ll recovered without complication!


Since TangYiQing has come into the market,it has successfully cured thousands of patients and has been praised by people who took TangYiQing.


In order to enable more diabetics to experience TangYiQing’s amazing curative effect and recover early,we now launch the lowest discount for the first time:

The original price is RM988 per box

Current price

1 box of RM180 [Clear sugar and poison, nourish liver and kidney]

2 box of RM226 [nourish organs and eliminate glycotoxin]

3 box of RM267 [improve the metabolism and eliminate hyperglycemia,hypertension and hyperlipidemia]

4 box of RM287 [complications recovered without recurrence]

(Four boxes are recommended for the best consolidation effect)


There are 30 packets included in every box,drink after brewing!

Take one pack twice a day after meals!


Solemn promise

100% effective,we inviting you to verify

Guarantee to pay compensations if it’s noneffective

The first day you take TangYiQing:you can gradually reduce insulin and hypoglycemic drugs!You'll be relaxed and full of energy!

Take TangYiQing for half a month:Blood sugar dropped to normal and no longer rebounded. Blurred vision, bleeding in the fundus, and ulceration of lower limbs were basically controlled.

Take TangYiQing for a month:The symptoms of "three more and one less" are eliminated, the insulin dose is reduced by one third, and the diet is no longer restricted, eat as you want!

Take TangYiQing for 2 months:Most patients can stop taking western medicine, reduce insulin by two-thirds, and some patients can stop the injection!

Take TangYiQing steadily:Pancreatic islet function is fully restored, insulin secretion is self-sufficient, and insulin injection is stopped. Consolidate the existing effects, completely eliminate the complications of various systems throughout the body, and live a healthy life again!